Festival Tepi Sawah 2017

A manifestation of our humanity, art talents and expressions in respect of our mother nature.

Festival Tepi Sawah (free translate: festival at the edge of rice field) is an annual event where various artists will get involve and make collaboration. At the side of the village, the commitee designs “Uma Stage” as a symbolic front ground where the aspiration was born: at Tepi Sawah.

This event was born from combination of passions and ideas of three artists: Nita Aartsen, Anom Darsana and Etha Widiyanto. They had no doubt experienced in their field: Music Education & Performance, Sound Engineering, Event Management, Architecture & Designs. Their intention is to integrate all creative elements of the festival with education and implementation about environment sustainability, either among kids and adults.

Photo by: Lingkara Photo Community

Dikirim oleh Festival Tepi Sawah pada 15 Juni 2017

In this environmental awareness movement, Festival Tepi Sawah collaborates with
Clean Bali Series, an environmental awareness and education awareness program for children which had been started since 2006, and actively raising the “Bali Bersih” monthly program at the festival site. Omah Apik along with a number of environmental organizations and activists, education, arts and culture, provide a learning space for local children about environmental awareness.

Festival Tepi Sawah presents an amazing and memorable musical and art work. For that reason, we invite various art communities as well as build some relationships and networks which support this festival.

One of the communities that actively support this festival is Lingkara Photography Community, so we will make the Festival Tepi Sawah as a reflection and consciousness of environmental conservation with the principle of reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Festival Tepi Sawah uses the area on the edge of the rice field as the center of activity. Collaboration among artists is a very interesting concept and will surprise people who attend this festival. In addition, the Festival Tepi Sawah also drills some interesting architectural sequences. Placement of the booth and art installation will add to the beauty of this festival. Festival Tepi Sawah will also hold workshops from various branches of art, and food stalls and art markets.

Some artists who will get involved in this events are Tompi, Dewa Alit Bona Alit, Ivan Nestormam, Nita Aartsen, Kecak Kobagi, Jasmine Okubo, Doddy Sambodo, Dodot & Barok, Gustu Brahmanta, Sisca Guhzeng, Brahma Diva Kencana, Marlowe Bandem, Made Agus Wardana, Fascinating Rhythm Community, and many others.

Festival Tepi sawah is also fully supported by Pejeng village community and artists from Pejeng village will take part as well. So if you are around, don’t miss this events.

Date: June 3 – 4
Venue : Banjar Pande Pejeng village, about 5 km heading East from Ubud. You can take Jl Gunung Sari, passing Maya Resot or take Main Road to Goa Gajah then turn left at Samuan Tiga village.

Saturday, June 3rd. 2017
14.30 – 15.15 : Workshop I Love Me Selfie Project by Junaidi Kenyut
15.15 – 15.30 : Music by SMK 3 Sukawati
15.30 – 16.15 : Workshop, Ethnic Percussion
16.15 – 16.30 : Shadow Puppet Inovation Show by SMK 3 Sukawati
16.30 – 17.30 : Worshop Bamboo Music Instrument by Rizal & The Rasendriya
17.30 – 17.40 : Cendrawasih Dance by SMK 3 Sukawati
17.40 – 18.00 : Workshop by Indonesia Dawai Sisca Guzheng
18.30 – 19.00 : Janger Tatiapi (Balinese Dance)
19.00 – 19.30 : Latinindo (Music Performance) Ivan, Tompi, Made Wardana, Nurul, Tarzan, Donny, Renda, Oscar, Yopi, Brandon
19.30 – 20.15 : Keroncong Fuse: Tompi, Ivan Nestorman, Eka, Mbi, Donny, Nita Aartsen, Yopi, Oscar, Kopeng, Nurul, Sisca
20.30 – 20.50 : KOBAGI KECAK
21.00 – 21.20 : Marlowe Bandem: Bali 1920
21.30 – 22.00 : Tribute to Ismail Marzuki: Ivan, Tompi, Donny, Nita Aartsen, Gustu, Doddy.
22.15 – 22.45 : Baliku: Gustuy Bramanta, Sisca Guzheng, Dewa Alit, Bona Alit, Made Wardana
22.45 – 23.15 : TOMPI original composition by Tompi, Gustu Brahmanta, Nita, Yopi, Brandon, Made Wardana

Sunday, June 4th. 2017
10.00 – 14.00 : PAK MADE TARO & CLEAN BALI SERIES, Children Environmental Program
14.00 – 16.00 : BALI WASTU LESTARI, Workshop Waste Bank
16.00 – 16.40 : SAMUEL ENGAL SUDRAJAT, Diaroma Workshop
16.40 – 17.40 : MONEZ, Nature of Bali influences in illustration works
17.40 – 18.00 : IVAN NESTORMAN, Sasando workshop
16.00 – 18.00 : 4 ISLAND MUSIC, Renda, Nurul, Socar, Agustian, Mbi, Kopeng, Tarzan
18.30 – 19.00 : OKOKAN, Brahma Diva Kencana
19.15 – 19.45 : DAWAI & PERKUSI, Bona Alit, Ivan Nestorman, Sisca Guzheng
20.00 – 20.45 : TIMOR MANIA, Ivan Nestorman, Gustu, Doddy, Renda, Nita, Nurul, Tarzan
21.00 – 21.30 : DEWA ALIT, original composition by Dewa Alit
21.45 – 22.00 : JASMINE OKUBO
22.00 – 22.45 : INDONESIAN FOLK SONG, All artist
22.45 – 00.00 : JAM SESSION, All artist


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